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digital commerce, payments, retail

Launching a D2C Channel for a B2B Organization

Apr 7, 2023, 11:20 AM by User Not Found

The increasing popularity of direct-to-Consumer (D2C) channels has been one of the biggest business trends of the past few years, particularly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As more consumers rely on online channels to make purchases, businesses have had to adapt their strategies to remain current with changing consumer behavior. As the world continues to embrace this new wave of digital transformation, many business-to-business (B2B) organizations are exploring ways to expand their consumer reach and revenue by launching direct to-consumer (D2C) channels. Read on to learn why B2B organizations are launching D2C channels and how to ensure yours is successful.


How to Empower a Sales Team With B2B Ecommerce

Mar 2, 2023, 10:55 AM by User Not Found

While many B2B salespeople view ecommerce as competition, when used effectively, it can be a tool that empowers them to offer customers a modern and versatile buying experience. B2B ecommerce platforms, like SmarterCommerce Ecommerce, enable customers to place routine or simple orders, pay invoices, check inventory or pricing, while also freeing up the sales team to focus on growing customer relationships and solving complex issues they may not have had time for otherwise. Rather than inputting orders into the system or answering repetitive customer questions about availability, order status, or delivery timeframes, sales representatives can automate these tasks and direct their attention to more important and strategic priorities. So, rather than thinking of ecommerce as taking business away from your sales team, think of it as a way to augment and improve it. Read on to learn more about the benefits of using B2B ecommerce.


Integrated DXP and Ecommerce Platforms: 3 Benefits for Your Company

Jan 19, 2023, 17:25 PM by User Not Found

When you see a personalized ad pop up on your internet browser soon after talking about the product or service advertised, that is no coincidence. Rather, it is likely that the promoting company uses a digital experience platform (DXP). DXPs are designed to “learn” customers — what they want, their decision-making process, and their buying habits, to name just a few. This kind of ecommerce solution lets companies build applications that can integrate through various touchpoints and backend systems, contributing to an overall more seamless customer interaction experience. When you combine a functional DXP solution with the power of JD Edwards ecommerce integration, the possibilities for your business are practically limitless. Read on to learn more about how integrating a DXP with your ecommerce portal offers invaluable benefits.


SmarterCommerce vs. Other JD Edwards-Integrated Solutions - 3 Reasons to Make the Switch

Nov 18, 2022, 09:01 AM by User Not Found

IT and Business leaders often encounter the difficult decision of the right time to switch platforms. Much like knowing when it's time to swap out an old dimming light bulb, the cost/benefit analysis always involves balance. Replacing a functioning platform is difficult to justify, but if the platform is near failing and continually requiring expenditures that are not driving benefits to the organization, it may be time to make the switch.


What is Omnichannel, and How can JD Edwards Organizations Benefit?

Oct 27, 2022, 15:37 PM by User Not Found

Has your organization been struggling to connect all of its different sales channels? Omnichannel could be the strategy to create a seamless brand and buying experience for your customers. Read on to learn how SmarterCommerce’s solutions can help your company achieve omnichannel across all of your customer sales channels.


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